Alzahra University International Conference Center, Tehran
September 21, 2021
Conference speakers:
Dr. Alireza Yousefi
Has a doctorate in strategic management from the United Nations University (Japan) 2013
Has a DBA (business plan) doctoral degree from the International University of Malaysia (second doctoral degree)
Researcher and researcher of organizational strategy in social security of the country in 2013
Distinguished researcher and researcher of the International Association of Management in Vienna in 2012
Mr. Mohsen Shakri
International cooking instructor, radio and television expert
The owner of the hourglass style
Nicknamed the father of Iranian steak and the best starter in the south of the country
Mrs. Dr. Khatereh Kayseri
Ph.D. in Business Policy Management from Payam Noor University, Center of Tehran
Full-time faculty member of Payam Noor University
Lecturer at Iran Industry Management Center
Lecturer of skill enhancement courses for managers in industries
Marketing and strategic consultant and providing digital marketing strategies
Presentation of 16 articles in international conferences and published in prestigious journals of the world, including ISI and ISC
And authoring, translating and publishing several books with the titles of emotional marketing and marketing models
Mrs. Faiza Adel
Has a certificate of appreciation for the selected performance of Ithar Symphony
Honorary diploma of the top ten speakers at Sharif University of Technology in 1995
Diploma of honor for top ten performers in consecutive years
Diploma of honor for the most creative stage performer in Iran at Al-Zahra University
Lecturer of universities and government institutions
Presenter and teacher in the second gathering of one hundred prominent teachers of the country in 1400
The main points of the meeting:
– Conceptualization and exploitation of social entrepreneurship structure
– Innovation and creativity and setting up a dynamic business
– Willingness to compete and take risks
– Strong need to achieve success
– Differences between young and adult entrepreneurs
– Incentives and obstacles for young people in their tendency towards entrepreneurial activities