ATI International Group

Event Management Agency

The ninth conference of women entrepreneurs

The ninth conference of women entrepreneurs

With the support of Iran-Canada Business Association
Business Training Center of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade


As half of the population, women play a significant role in the development of economic activities; Therefore, it is necessary to provide mechanisms to strengthen their role in the society. Entrepreneurship is one of the main axes of growth and development in any country, so that it is considered the engine of economic development, the experience of countries with high growth in national income shows that one of the reasons for their success is that the managers of these countries understand the role and importance of entrepreneurship in progress and development. The country has realized. Today, providing the possibility of active participation of women as half of the country’s population in the development process of local resources and capacities is unquestionable. Women make up half of the country’s population, economic development happens when all sections of the society participate in it and all the capacities of the society can be used. With entrepreneurship, women can reveal their abilities and remove the obstacles they have in the manifestation of their talents. In this way, they can increase their courage more and more every day. Women in developing countries are the first hope for raising their families and the growth and development of their countries. The success of women entrepreneurs in these societies not only causes economic benefits, but also creates social and cultural benefits. Therefore, according to the latest trainings, today we invite you to the 9th conference of women entrepreneurs with the support of the Business Education Center of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and the Business Association of Iran and Canada at the International Conference Center of the Tehran Industrial Management Organization on the date of Mehr 1403 to By sharing the secrets of success with the audience and setting a role model for budding entrepreneurs, we have taken a big step in improving the quality of the country’s entrepreneurship and let’s share this wonderful pleasure.